Amidst the enchanting ambience of Disneyland Paris, Varun Bhanot and Anisha Seth embarked on a journey that surpassed fairy-tale fantasies—a destination wedding like no other. Their love story unfolded over three magical days, weaving together the charm of Disney with the richness of Indian culture, creating memories to last a lifetime.
The grandeur began with guests arriving at the Disney Hotel, welcomed by none other than Maharajah Goofy—an auspicious start to a celebration filled with whimsy and wonder. The festivities kicked off with a mesmerizing show at the Disney Castle, where lights danced and special effects dazzled, setting the stage for what was to come.
An Arabian-themed evening followed at Aladdin’s Agrabah Café, where the Genie himself greeted guests, immersing them in a world of exotic cuisine and vibrant cultures. But the pinnacle of magic arrived at midnight—a civil ceremony in front of the Disney Castle, complete with a custom Princess Fountain show and a fairy-tale entrance fit for royalty. The night continued at The Lucky Nugget, transforming guests into time-travelers to the Wild West with dazzling entertainment acts.
The next morning, the air buzzed with anticipation as guests prepared for the Baraat, a spectacle adorned in ethnic finery. Led by Disney entertainers and accompanied by renowned artist Juggy D, the procession was a sight to behold, culminating in a breathtaking wedding ceremony at the Pier of Newport Bay Hotel, overlooking the serene lake.
The celebrations crescendoed with a Reception and Afterparty themed ‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’ at Walt Disney Studio 1—a nod to glamour and nostalgia from the 1950s. Rahul Kumar and his team at Vivaah Celebrations meticulously curated each event, blending Disney’s magic with cultural richness to create an unforgettable experience.
Disneyland Paris, known for its fairy-tale settings, played the perfect host to this extraordinary union of love and culture. With over 300 guests from around the globe dressed in their finest, it was a wedding that will be etched in memories forever. Working in harmony with Disneyland Paris teams, Vivaah Celebrations ensured every detail was impeccable, making this wedding a historic and unparalleled event.
Vivaah Celebrations, renowned for its global expertise in destination weddings, orchestrated this spectacular affair, from initial planning to flawless execution. Their commitment to crafting bespoke experiences shines through, ensuring every moment resonates with magic and splendor.
For those dreaming of a wedding that transcends imagination, Disneyland Paris stands as a testament—a place where dreams come true and love stories begin anew.
Vivaah Celebrations is a premier Wedding Planning & Management company operating locally and globally for Destination Weddings under the leadership of Rahul Kumar who has over a decade of experience planning and managing weddings globally. To plan your next event, connect with us at